While community teams continue to work on our marketing and social media, developers are working on chain enhancements. The goal is to make things more seamless and community-focused, with a stronger focus on brand awareness and cohesion throughout our sites.
We recently happily sponsored Liberpulco, an event that took place in Serbia in honor of the Free Republic of Liberland. Anarchapulco and Liberland took the initiative to organize this event.
Treasure Chest Wallet v5.9.0 has been released! If you are running the Treasure Chest full node wallet, you must upgrade before October 4, 2024 to ensure it continues syncing to maintain the security and functionality of our Delayed Proof of Work (dPoW) cross-chain notarizations system.
Our sponsored CopaMonero team moves on to the semi-finals! Future plans for our online Pirate Black-Friday and events at Monerotopia and Anarcapulco are coming together nicely. Come join us!
Mandatory Treasure Chest Wallet Update v5.9.0
Treasure Chest v5.9.0 has been released on GitHub! In this essential hardfork season 8 update, we’ll be refreshing the Notary Node keys, a vital community-driven step in maintaining the security and functionality of our Delayed Proof of Work (dPoW) cross-chain notarizations system. You must upgrade before October 4, 2024 if you are running the full node wallet to ensure it continues syncing.

Pirate Chain was able to sponsor the inaugural event of Liberpulco! This event took place at the beginning of September in Serbia at Liberland Ark Village near the Republic of Liberland. Many freedom fighters found inspiration and new life during Liberpulco, an event organized by Liberland and Anarchapulco, that proved to be a great success.
This #libertarian utopia, known for promoting #freedom and #blockchain innovation, is the perfect spot for our privacy-focused $ARRR and #voluntaryism!
Pirate Chain Team Velez at Copa Monero Update

Our sponsored Velez Sarsfield soccer team in Copa Monero is advancing to the semi-finals! We are proud and thankful for our Velez young athletes! Don't miss our next game, which will be on October 13! Find more information at copamonero.com. The final matches will be broadcast on MoneroTalk.
Upcoming Events
Pirate Chain is excited to sponsor a booth at the MoneroTopia 2024 conference in Mexico City from November 14–17. Conference speakers will give talks and discuss recent advancements in digital privacy.
Pirate Black Friday — November 2024
We are extending an invitation to participate in our next Black Friday event in November. We can assist you in promoting your goods and services and accepting ARRR as payment. Kindly reach out to DaJohns on the Pirate Chain Discord or the Pirate Chain Telegram.
Social Media
Monthly Project Update August 2024 | Pirate Chain $ARRR
Join DaJohns on the August monthly update! In this meeting, our core developer Forge shared interesting facts on the latest Treasure Chest wallet upgrade. The latest event Pirate Chain sponsored was “Liberpulco,” and exciting details were shared about Pirate Chain plans to have representation at Anarcapulco 2025 in Mexico. Our sponsored Copa Monero soccer team in Argentina is advancing to the finals. We invite you to join us at events such as Monerotopia November 14-17 in Mexico City, Anarchapulco 2025, and Pirate Black Friday!
Web3 Global Talks Ep.148 — Powered by Dynex — Proof of Work (PoW)
Join our First Mate, DaJohns on his X space chat with Web3Global where he shares Pirate Chain’s core values and technology with a group of representatives from different crypto projects. DaJohns delivers spot-on answers to a whole bunch of questions, such as what’s the future of proof of work and key differences between proof of work versus proof of stake, proof of authority, and sustainability in the crypto space. Don’t miss this one! There is a ton of interesting dissected information from different points of view from crypto space individuals.

Interesting Pirate Chain Tweets
Featured Article: Hard, Soft, & Junk Currencies: What's the Difference?

And finally, check out this new featured article from prominent community member, Øswald Kardingson, where he discusses the differences between hard, soft, and junk currencies, in our new Community Digest section. Be on the lookout for more featured articles written by community members in the future.
Final Words
The team is working on ARRR to be the ultimate privacy icon in usage and core chain improvements. We encourage the ARRR community to embrace and support our goal of bringing private transactions to the world. We are proud and honored to keep working toward an objective that transcends ourselves. To the triumph of freedom!
Article Credits
☑️ AnARRRkey ☑️ AmyV ☑️ QuirkyRobots