Pirate Chain Monthly Update January 2024 Recap
Ahoy Pirates! The Verus Ecosystem is now much closer to you as vARRR testing nears its conclusion! A...
Pirate Chain Wallets
Community Videos
The Pirate Train
Featuring Jeff Berwick, Rob Mills and Lucy
The Privacy Shanty
Scott Perrie
Official Pirate Music Theme
Some video text that is very interesting
A Pirate Chain Video
How Lootz Became a Pirate
A raw n passion speech of how Lootz became a Pirate.
TCV - Pirate Chain
Pirate Chain is everything we wanted Zcash to be!
Medium Feed
Ahoy Pirates! The Verus Ecosystem is now much closer to you as vARRR testing nears its conclusion! A...
Happy New Year Pirates! ARRR just celebrated its 7th Halvening. This year, the community is embarkin...
Greetings Pirates! Last week saw the implementation of the Verus Project’s vARRR testnet debut! We...
Ahoy Pirates! Development in order to reinforce the chain is being done and continues to make our ch...
Ahoy Mates! A versatile and fun software update has been made to our Hardware Wallet Devise! The dec...
Congratulations Pirates! On August 29th, we celebrated our 5th birthday! Block #1 was mined on Augus...
Cheers, Pirates! The wARRR bridge has been restored and is currently only functional for withdrawals...
Ahoy pirates! The community is on the move as always navigating the Pirate Chain ship through the wa...
Ahoy Pirates! We recently had slow chain troubles as a result of a spam attack, but no security was ...