Rate: ARRR/$



R: 254



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The Pirate Chain Blog

July 19, 2024
Pirate Chain News | June 2024 Key Insights

This month: Dajohns, a Pirate Chain First Mate, is interviewed by Crypto Rich about Pirate Chain and the importance of privacy. Pirate Sponsors Copa Monero's winning team. The Pirate Chain fleet, the Atlantic Fleet, talk about the "importance of perfect fungibility". More listings on the Pirate Chain marketplace ecosystem. Don’t miss the latest additions to our […]

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June 26, 2024
Pirate Chain News | May 2024 Exciting Essential Updates

Pirate Chain News: We sponsored Enemies of the State, the largest party of Libertarians in the World. A nice new wallet update. We are now on Monezon so you can shop on Amazon anonymously with ARRR and lots more.

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June 6, 2024
Pirate Chain News | April 2024 Key Insights

Pirate Chain News: The new Orchard trustless setup, additional marketing initiatives, new exchange listings and the MEXC Exchange is back.

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April 26, 2024
Pirate Chain News | March 2024 Key Insights

Pirate Chain News: Our decentralized exchange (DEX) launches soon. We are going trustless. The official vARRR PBaaS launch, new community fleets, and much more

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March 19, 2024
Pirate Chain Monthly News | February 2024 Highlights

Ahoy Pirates! The Pirate Chain Treasure Chest full node wallet just received a robust upgrade for speed and security, and it is now easier to be used on air-gapped (isolated) computers. The vARRR coin on Verus (to be traded 1 for 1 with ARRR) is in its final test stages; stay tuned for its debut […]

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August 2, 2023
7 Reasons Why Privacy is Important for Cryptocurrency Transactions

Not everyone understands the importance of privacy in cryptocurrency transactions, not only for security reasons but also to protect personal privacy, much like the level of privacy enjoyed with traditional fiat currency transactions. Let's examine some key reasons why privacy is crucial in the cryptocurrency space: 1. Security and Protection Against Fraud Cryptocurrency-based scams continue […]

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September 26, 2022
Has Privacy Become A Luxury?

Talking about online privacy is a tricky subject. For years, we have been persuaded to believe that we are in control of our data. However, the harsh truth is that everything is screened.  The Great Deception About Citizens’ Data Privacy You may think that some laws protect your privacy, right?  If you are referring to […]

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September 14, 2022
Pirate Chain Newsletter — August 2022 Edition

Preamble Ahoy, Pirates! We celebrated ARRR integration into the Qortal DEX Ecosystem and Pirate Chain’s 4th anniversary in August!!! Developers are working on adding another wARRR bridge, on ETH network this time, while continuing work on the Hardware Wallet. Nothing official yet, but Commander Forge and the team are brainstorming ways to make Pirate Blockchain […]

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August 26, 2022
Bitcoin Vs. Pirate Chain: The Ultimate Fight for Financial Freedom

You read it right. Bitcoin has a rival, Pirate Chain, the most secure privacy-focused blockchain that ensures your financial freedom. No, it's not clickbait. This article will explain why Bitcoin cannot give you the financial freedom many preach. So if you are a bitcoiner, you have been warned. We’ll dare to say what nobody from […]

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December 13, 2021
Code Security Review

As promised, the Pirate Chain team has secured a code security review by an external third party. Reviews are part of the development process and occur occasionally to ensure that all parts of the code are scrutinized as much as possible. Why Are Code Audits Important? Making sure that the code functions as it should […]

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