Rate: ARRR/$



R: 254



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The Pirate Chain Blog

November 3, 2021
Pirate Chain Miami Meet Up

We are delighted to announce that Pirate Chain Community event aficionado Benny is hosting a meet-up on Tuesday 9th of November, from 7 to 11 PM. There will be free shots of tequila and rum when mentioning ARRR as long as many interesting people to talk to about Pirate, cryptocurrencies, cybersecurity and freedom. Date Tuesday […]

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October 18, 2021
Treasure Chest Full Node Wallet Encryption Added

The Pirate Chain development team led by Forge has been working hard the past 6 months to release the newest version of the Treasure Chest full node wallet aka v.5.3.0. What's New The full node wallet now has the following features: Full Wallet Encryption Every record stored in the wallet.dat for Pirate Chain can be […]

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September 19, 2021

What is wARRR? wARRR is a tokenized version of ARRR on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) - and potentially other platforms in the future. wARRR allows users to exit transparent platforms and make their funds private by sending their wARRR through a bridge and converting it to ARRR (also known as unwrapping). Users convert their ARRR […]

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September 18, 2021
Pirate Chain Declares wARRR On DeFi

This is wARRR Pirate Chain is now entering the world of DeFi with the addition of wrapped ARRR (aka wARRR) to the Binance Smart Chain. This will happen on Monday 20th of September 2021, at 1:00pm EDT (5pm UTC). BSC was voted by the community for its lower fees compared to the Ethereum network. wARRR […]

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September 8, 2021
Pirate Chain: NgU technology

Everything in this world that is scarce, by definition, can have a price put on it. The air we breathe has no price because it is superabundant — but given the right conditions, it can be transformed into the most valuable commodity (many who have walked the plank found this out the hard way). And […]

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September 6, 2021
The Pirate Chain PGP Public Key

For those that would like to contact us securely and with full encryption we are sharing the Pirate Chain Public PGP key for you to do so. Step By Step Guide Download https://pgptool.github.io to securely encrypt and decrypt files. Encrypt your message using our public key Send it to us in our Keybase group for […]

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August 29, 2021
Pirate Chain Celebrates 3 Years of Financial Freedom

3 Years Of Financial Freedom Ahoy Pirates! Time flies when you’re surrounded by hearty mates and good times. Hard to believe that it’s been 3 years in a blink of an eye. We celebrate Pirate’s 3rd Birthday today! We started out returning the power of privacy to the users, empowering them with the option to […]

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August 26, 2021
Pirate Chain At The Freedom Fest 2021 Event

Freedom Fest 2021 Our lovely team of scallywags and deckhands has put together an overview video of the best moments at the Freedom Fest event in South Dakota in 2021. Pirate Chain (ARRR), the most anonymous cryptocurrency took part with an amazing team spreading the word about the importance of privacy and blockchain for our […]

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August 23, 2021
The Pirate Post - August 2021 edition

Illustration courtesy of Dreamtim Preamble Ahoy Pirates! July was a great month for Pirate Chain. The Freedom Fest event was a tremendous success thanks to the hardwork of Benny and his events crew. We released our light code audit. On the fun side of things, we announced Pirate Life Casino, a casino powered by Night […]

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July 31, 2021
The Pirate Post - July 2021 edition

Graphics courtesy of DreamTim Ahoy Pirates! June was a busy month for Pirate Chain. Our team and community members brought Pirate Chain to two events, the Miami Shitcoin Conference and Porcfest. $ARRR was also listed on not one but two exchanges. We have breakthroughs on ARRRtomicSwaps, and we also brought you highly requested updates to […]

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