Rate: ARRR/$



R: 254



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Pirate Chain At The Freedom Fest 2021 Event

Privacy matters
August 26, 2021

Pirate Chain At The Freedom Fest 2021 Event


Freedom Fest 2021

Our lovely team of scallywags and deckhands has put together an overview video of the best moments at the Freedom Fest event in South Dakota in 2021.

Pirate Chain (ARRR), the most anonymous cryptocurrency took part with an amazing team spreading the word about the importance of privacy and blockchain for our financial future.

We met many like-minded individuals and found the event to be a great success in raising awareness for the ARRR cryptocurrency and the project overall.

Courtesy of Ben, Vi, Matt and the rest of the Pirate Crew.

Watch the video

Please Note: Pirate Chain maintains a strictly apolitical stance. We neither endorse nor oppose any political parties, organisations, or individuals. Our commitment is to support all users of our platforms and services impartially and without bias.

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