Ahoy Pirates! The Pirate Chain Treasure Chest full node wallet just received a robust upgrade for speed and security, and it is now easier to be used on air-gapped (isolated) computers. The vARRR coin on Verus (to be traded 1 for 1 with ARRR) is in its final test stages; stay tuned for its debut day!
Work is being done on an upcoming new decentralized exchange to pair ARRR! Strategies for marketing our brand are still being worked on, and events and presentations are scheduled for later this year.
Pirate Chain aims to be present at additional conferences and events this year, and we just got back from the Anarchapulco conference in Acapulco, Mexico in February.
Treasure Chest v5.8.0
Ahoy Pirates! An enhanced speed & spam prevention upgrade v5.8.0 to the Treasure Chest wallet has been released! And for those Pirates concerned with increased security, it is easier now to completely isolate your Treasure Chest wallet in an air gapped computer. This upgrade comes with a very important warning:
v5.8.0 included breaking changes to both wallet structures and the block database. Any wallet updated to 5.8.0 will not be compatible with older clients. Please make a backup of your wallet, keys, and seed phrase before updating. Additionally, this version will zap all wallet transactions and perform a complete reindex of the chain. The bootstrap option is available to use.
Based on our internal testing, most users with relatively few notes will see little to no performance increase from this update. However, users with hundreds or thousands of notes will see dramatic increases in sync speed and block processing speed once synced.
v5.8.0. Is not a mandatory update.
Please stay tuned for tutorial videos on how to install your TC wallet on an isolated/air gapped computer/network or check a quick brief explanation by Forge on a below monthly video.
Withdraw ARRR from KuCoin before March 28
This is a reminder to any Pirates with any remaining ARRR on KuCoin to withdraw your ARRR from KuCoin before March 28. The aforementioned withdrawal service will close on March 28, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (UTC). Be sure to withdraw your ARRR off KuCoin before March 28. Here is a link to the KuCoin announcement.
Pirate Chain Events
Here are some of the recent events Pirate Chain has been involved with and some upcoming events we'll be participating in. Pirate Chain is trying to stay active in the blockchain world, helping to get the important message of privacy and having private anonymous transactions out to the world.
Pirates at Anarchapulco 2024
Pirate Chain was present once more at the Anarchapulco conference from February 11–16, 2024 in Acapulco, Mexico! At the Anarchapulco Reborn Launch Party on Sunday night, we were happy to have our first-hand encounter with members of the Pirate Chain crew. Throughout the week, we worked the booth, welcoming new Pirates to our community.

This year, an array of over 400 people attended Anarchapulco, and each person was given a Pirate Chain lanyard to wear around their neck along with their conference badge. We were also able to assist in responding to inquiries consumers had regarding Pirate Chain. We were able to shuttle folks back and forth between the Edge App booth and Pirate Chain to aid with inquiries regarding both.

We did the usual sticker give-away and also donated items for the Anarchapulco closing ceremony raffle, including two bottles of rum, a gunmetal hip flask, a Pirate Chain t-shirt and a keychain.
Pirate Chain also hosted a Pirate Chain pARRRty on Wednesday evening of Anarchapulco for crypto day at Cafe Rustico, where attendees had a good time with some pirate rum. Scott Perrie made a guest appearance at the Pirate Chain pARRRty and played his cover version of The Privacy Shanty. He also played a song from his folk group, Winsome Kind. Rafael LaVerde from The Crypto Vigilante acknowledged Pirate Chain as the world’s most private cryptocurrency as an ending note.
Upcoming Events
DEFCON 32 August 8 - 11, 2024 | Las Vegas, NV

Ahoy Pirates! This event is still in the works and we are rallying the forces for the upcoming Defcon Event on August 8–11, 2024, in Las Vegas! The community is in a creative mode and playing with new ideas for the event. You are welcome to join us or share ideas on whatever you feel guided by! Come and chat with us about future events on the Pirate Chain Discord!
Nonsensus November 7 - 10, 2024 | Phoenix, AZ

Ahoy! Pirates are also getting ready to go to Nonsensus and are considering doing a speaking presentation for this progressive, educated tribe that, like ours, is utilizing a blend of innovation and state-of-the-art blockchain technology to achieve freedom. Join the plans by joining the Pirate Chain Discord to discuss! Ahoy!
ARRR Commerce Highlights
Using Pirate Chain for everyday purchases is easy with the multitude of community services that now accept Pirate Chain as a form of payment. Below are some of the services and products that can be used or bought with ARRR.
Ahoy Pirates! Get some apparel designs that are privacy-spirited! Wear them with pride and use this superb clothing line to flaunt your appreciation of privacy. Buy it with ARRR! Privatestreet.shop is now in the ARRRmada.com Merchant List!

bARRRter.com | ARRR Hardware Wallet
The portable (1.05 Oz) Pirate Hardware Wallet is the only device that is capable of processing zkSNARKs transactions, as required by Pirate Chain (ARRR). Access to the unit is protected by a root-of-trust setup that starts in the boot ROM at power-up, through all the boot phases, and up to the pirate authenticator application. Offers convenience over the 2-PC online/offline split transaction capability in Pirate Chain’s Treasure Chest wallet. The Pirate Hardware Wallet is available on bARRRter.com.

Pirate Villa | Costa Rica | Off the Grid in Paradise
Get a Pirate villa off-the-grid in Paradise, Monte Macho Villa with a beautiful off-grid Pacific Ocean View three miles up in the mountains of southern Costa Rica. Two levels with 3 bedrooms and 2 1⁄2 baths with outstanding views of the Pacific Ocean and a pool. Yes, buy it with ARRR!

Monthly Project Update February 2024
Join our brand-new First Mate Dajohns, in the Pirate monthly update meeting! This time he’s bringing you our main developer, Forge, who shared information about the new 5.8.0 Treasure Chest wallet along with some major upgrades, such the removal of witness cash at the transaction level, the addition of a net set of rules for transactions to stop potential spam and the air-gapped computer capacities for Treasure Chest wallet.
SHossain brings you an update about mining vARRR. We recapped our fourth visit to the Anarchapulco conference. Reminder - the deadline to withdraw any ARRR from KuCoin is before March 28. We also bring you an array of other important and exciting information.
Brief TC wallet air gapped computer set up by forge starts @ 21:48 mark
Let’s Talk About vARRR X Space
Check out the Let's talk about vARRR X Space and learn key differences between a wrapped Ethereum token and vARRR. Learn how you will be able to mine vARRR using only your CPU devices, how vARRR is an independent chain on the Verus network, staking ratios of 50% PoS and 50% PoW, and much more details you will find valuable for your need for ARRR on the Defi Arena! Don’t miss this talk with the vARRR experts!
Pirate Chain ARRRmy
Become a part of our brand-new Pirate Chain ARRRmy Discord Channel, where you can join the community to engage in likes, comments, and retweets to help ARRR get greater traction on social media (mostly X, Twitter).
We’ll all be concentrating on promoting and also determining how to effectively address any FUD. We’ll also be holding monthly competitions for the chance to win ARRR. Primarily, the objective is to become more vocal and noticeable as a Pirate Chain community.
To support the ARRRmy, consider donating here:
Funds will go towards future giveaways and incentives to encourage Pirates to reach out and make our community heard.
Daily Dose of Pirate Chain
The Daily Dose of Pirate Chain is looking to expand! Please get in touch with DivineLoveArtto on the Pirate Chain Discord if you would like to help provide ideas for videos or use your creative skills. In addition, he has recorded a video editing training film for anybody who wants to assist with The Daily Dose and learn the basics of video production. Pay attention to the community-projects discussion under Daily Dose of Pirate Chain. If you aren't keen on learning video editing, you can still help Daily Dose of Pirate Chain by forwarding good videos mentioning Pirate Chain on your own social media and tagging Pirate Chain on X and Daily Dose of Pirate Chain on X.
Final Words
Pirate Chain is undergoing some minor, routine reorganization. For example, our monthly meetings are now targeted for the second Monday of the month. Please join us! The geopolitical landscape is shifting, and finance and economics will also inevitably alter. Pirate Chain will play a crucial role in this world for private anonymous financial transactions.
We work hard to uphold our privacy and build a robust, open community in the process. Our recent visit to the Anarchapulco has demonstrated that the world is desperate for change; people no longer only want a tribe or a community — they require it, and once they do, they adhere to it with determination to continue and grow with it. I am honored and grateful to be a Pirate! Ahoy!