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Treasure Chest Full Node Wallet Encryption Added

Wallet Encryption
October 18, 2021

Treasure Chest Full Node Wallet Encryption Added

Wallet EncryptionThe Pirate Chain development team led by Forge has been working hard the past 6 months to release the newest version of the Treasure Chest full node wallet aka v.5.3.0.

What's New

The full node wallet now has the following features:

Full Wallet Encryption

Every record stored in the wallet.dat for Pirate Chain can be fully encrypted. The current standard inherited from upstream bitcoin/zcash is to just encrypt the spending keys while using the full viewing key and incoming viewing keys as indexes for various objects. This protects your coins from being spent if your wallet.dat is compromised, but not your privacy.

While wallet encryption isn't officially supported by zcash, the current implementation would leave enough of the keys exposed so that if an adversary were to get a hold of your wallet they could track all your transactional history. Pirate Chain revised the encryption protocol to encrypt every key, spending or otherwise, every transaction, every piece of metadata. Nothing was left unencrypted that could provide any person or agency information about your ARRR holdings or spending habits.

Z-Address Account Naming

Z-Address Account Naming has been included in the GUI. So now instead of the type "z-sapling" showing for every z-address, users can replace this with a custom name making it easier to keep track of their holdings. A custom name can be added when creating a new address, or by editing any existing z-address on the receive tab.

Other Updates

  • Updated openssl to version 1.1.1k
  • Updated to deleteTx to make the wallet less memory-intensive
  • Updated to deleteTx to remove deleted transactions from the internal spend maps

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that could cause the wallet to crash while loading
  • Fixed bug that caused z_sign_offline to fail.

Note: There will be a Bounty of 500 ARRR for anyone who is able to break the wallet.dat encryption, the bounty will be increased by 100 ARRR weekly.

Download link


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9 comments on “Treasure Chest Full Node Wallet Encryption Added”

  1. Hello, I have downloaded the full node wallet in Jan 2021 onto my Applemac, and have been using that earlier this year, until about the 10 may. I was then away from my laptop at work in the Middle East until mid Oct, and have NOT done any updates. When I open my wallet on my Mac, it will only upload until the 14 June?? But my coins ARE THERE. I am also worried that I do NOT have any "Private Keys" or whatever they are called???
    When I first downloaded the Treasure Chest wallet, I did NOT notice any word phrases???
    What should I do now?? And how can I do the update without loosing my coins??
    Should I send the coins to Trade Ogre, temporarily, then delete the Treasure chest from my Mac, then download it again, AS I DO NOT HAVE A SEAD PHRASE??? Then send the coins from Trade ogre to the newly installed Treasure Chest on my Mac???

  2. Hello, I have downloaded the full node wallet in Jan 2021 onto my Applemac, and have been using that earlier this year, until about the 10 may. I was then away from my laptop at work in the Middle East until mid Oct, and have NOT done any updates. When I open my wallet on my Mac, it will only upload until the 14 June?? But my coins ARE THERE. I am also worried that I do NOT have any "Private Keys" or whatever they are called???
    When I first downloaded the Treasure Chest wallet, I did NOT notice any word phrases???
    What should I do now?? And how can I do the update without loosing my coins??
    Should I send the coins to Trade Ogre, temporarily, then delete the Treasure chest from my Mac, then download it again, AS I DO NOT HAVE A SEAD PHRASE??? Then send the coins from Trade ogre to the newly installed Treasure Chest on my Mac???

  3. I updated my 5.0 version to the new 5.3 one. When I copied the new version to my desktop and opened the app, my coins were gone. How do I recover them? I have the full node wallet. Please and thank you for your help.

  4. G'day. I've been trying for many days to download a pirate wallet on my laptop. Yesterday I managed to do it but now i cannot find it. I can find the files but I can't access the wallet. Please help. Any advice is more than welcomed. I'm very keen to buy some ARRR with my BTC. Cheers, Vic

  5. Hi Pirates,
    Not sure if I've got through to the right area. I have the Full Node Treasure Chest Wallet Version v5.1.1-21b3d42b2, and up until 3 weeks ago it was working fine. It wont load or sync and is stuck on 98.21%. The wallet shows all the coins, however, but just not sure how to go about fixing the issue... any feedback here would be greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks,

  6. I am having the same issue as Steve, Tassie and Jay in these comments where it starts syncing and just stops. I have the version that does not have a seed phrase. What do I do?

    1. If you come in to the Discord community server, then the support area, you'll get full support there.
      Make sure you have the latest version, and you can skip most of the syncing by using the bootstrap option.

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