Rate: ARRR/$



R: 254



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The Pirate Chain Blog

June 1, 2020
The New Discord TipBot for ARRR

Pirate Chain First Mate sclear (discord) has significantly altered the functionality of the ARRR TipBot. The changes were made to improve the functionality, speed and reliability of the tipbot hosting it on a cluster of hardware servers, with established backup and disaster recovery procedures. To use the ARRR TipBot visit the Pirate Chain Discord server. […]

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May 27, 2020
Pirate Chain Creates Worlds First Z to Z-only Mobile Wallet

🦜🦜🦜 Press Release Pirate Chain announces the release of the world's first z-z (shielded transactions)-only cryptocurrency mobile Android wallet, with massive help from the community and Zero's Lead Developer CryptoForge. It is typically very difficult to integrate Zk-SNARKs shielded transactions into most platforms. Most projects choose both transparent and shielded addresses/transactions to ease integration; however, […]

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May 21, 2020
How to use the ViewingKey crypto wallet feature

The ViewingKey feature ensures that users can have visibility of a cryptocurrency wallet but cannot spend the amount in it. A feature that could have multiple uses, as an example an organisation that is fundraising into a wallet and wants 5 different people to have oversight of the balance. It can be used as a […]

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May 13, 2020
The BPSAA Introduces New Member

Welcome Ergo After just about 3 months of Pirate Chain joining the BPSAA, the alliance is ready to announce the latest member to join the family: Ergo Ergo is a DeFi (Decentralized Finance) platform, offering powerful safe smart contracts using Sigma protocols that enable flexible and highly usable applications. The Ergo team includes a variety […]

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May 12, 2020
How to burn Pirate OS to a USB drive

Pirate Chain created the Pirate OS to provide an extra layer of wallet privacy and security by letting a USB-powered operating system handle your wallet transactions, in the most private and anonymous way. Instructions Follow the steps below and learn how to burn Pirate OS to a USB drive: 🦜 Download the Rufus application 🦜 […]

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May 5, 2020
Pirate Chain April Update

Preamble Ahoy Pirates! I hope this post finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. To those of our pirate family who have lost family and friends to COVID19, we offer our sincerest condolences. Many parts of the world are still fighting with peak infection rates. Some have weathered past their peaks and are […]

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April 29, 2020
The Most Private & Anonymous Messaging

Private Messaging Whilst financial privacy is the most critical part the Pirate Chain team are working on, the developers have been adding new dimensions to the use of the most anonymous blockchain technology. So it is now possible with a very low fee to retain your privacy and communicate safely and securely using the memo […]

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April 25, 2020
Watch the latest Pirate Chain promo video

The Pirate Chain team put together a short video to explain what the ARRR cryptocurrency is, in just over one minute. Enjoy and share. 🦜 The world's most anonymous cryptocurrency 🦜 On the road to financial freedom 🦜 With tools to navigate the rough seas 🦜 The largest anonymity set 🦜 Privacy by default 🦜 […]

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April 4, 2020
Pirate Chain March Update

(Graphic courtesy of dreamtim) Preamble Ahoy, Pirates! I hope this message finds you, your family and friends safe in the midst of this COVID-19 outbreak. Since our last update, we have seen the the virus become a pandemic and spread rapidly throughout Europe and America, and witnessed the largest pullback of economies since the 1920s. […]

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March 1, 2020
Pirate Chain February 2020 Update

(picture courtesy of Dreamtim) Preamble Happy Halving Pirates! February was another excitement filled month for the most private cryptocurrency! There were loads of developments including an updated whitepaper, and upgrades to the our homepage to include translations in 20 languages, progress on material milestones with several wallet developments, and significant expansion of support for our […]

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