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ARRR Trading Update January 2020

trading arrr btc graph
January 20, 2020

ARRR Trading Update January 2020

altsbit trading arrr btc graph

Ahoy fellow Pirates,

The month of January has seen an investment bull run that has increased Bitcoin prices past the $9,000 mark. This has also impacted trading for many other crypto altcoins positively. Pirate Chain ARRR showed price gains of around 27% so far in January 2020 compared to December 2019. Trading was also considerably higher across the major exchanges after the 17th of the month.


Daily trading at CoinEx exchange which usually lingers around 3BTC peaked threefold at almost 9BTC at some point on the 17 of January. Buy volumes also increased considerably across CoinEx and most other exchanges.


Altsbit saw increases in pricing and volume and one of the highest trades reached 100,000 ARRR. The most anonymous cryptocurrency still dominates trading volume in Altsbit with interest constantly increasing.


The new addition of the SafeTrade exchange has not contributed to volume or price yet, but it is still early days for the Pirate Chain listing there.

What next for ARRR trading?

The overall boost of prices for cryptocurrencies in January is an important development for Pirate Chain as well as most other crypto projects. The increase in price leads to an increase in overall interest in the sector.

The bull run combined with renewed focus on private transactions, chain security and user anonymity, promises a bright future for Pirate Chain and ARRR trading. Privacy is soon to become one of the most important components of blockchain technology as recently Brian Armstrong, co-founder and CEO of United States-based cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase stated:

Just like how the internet launched with HTTP, and only later introduced HTTPS as a default on many websites, I believe we’ll eventually see a “privacy coin” or blockchain with built in privacy features get mainstream adoption in the 2020s.”

Stay tuned for more…

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