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How To Migrate From Seven Seas To Pirate Ocean Wallet

arrr crypto wallet migration
February 2, 2021

How To Migrate From Seven Seas To Pirate Ocean Wallet

migrate wallets

Ahoy Pirates,


Time for change

The development team has been consolidating efforts in the area of fund storage and wallets. It has been decided to focus on the production of the Pirate Ocean wallet. The wallet will continue to be developed and enhanced with new features. Older wallets will be phased out and discontinued over time.


Migrating wallets

In light of this change, First Mate Kaks has prepared a video on how to migrate from your old Seven Seas wallet to the latest version of the Pirate Ocean wallet.

  1. Download the latest version of Pirate Ocean wallet here.
  2. Follow the video instruction
  3. Migrate your wallet and funds


Watch the full video


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11 comments on “How To Migrate From Seven Seas To Pirate Ocean Wallet”

  1. ahoyyy maties! do the funds automatically show up in the new wallet if they were in seven seas? or do i need to move the funds to an exchange before i go through the migration to ocean?

    1. Ahoyy me hearty! I just did it today. I just followed the video to migrate. It shos you to delete the block and chainstate directories in your hidden app data directory whether windows or Linux. I use linux. Mine came up with an error after getting to the "loading blocks stage"... "error was "Segmentation Fault (core dumped). And the app closed. I ran it up again. It loaded correctly, with my balance and all my transactions. All good matey! Just make sure you keep a backup of your wallet.dat file!!! most important!!!! Enjoy, and keep sailing the open seas!!!

  2. Hi, we have had pirate ocean on an old computer, and have now just upgraded. We are trying to import a back up file for an existing wallet but cant seem to do it? Is there any videos in regard to this or can you please help?

  3. I am new to all of this but believe in it. I have purchased some ARRR and managed to transfer it into my Lite Wallet. From the reading I am doing, it sounds like I should have decided to use the Ocean Wallet? What is the major difference between the Lite Wallet and Ocean Wallet? Can I simply send my funds to the Ocean Wallet if I download that? I don't want to run into issues down the road if I should have used a different wallet. I guess I don't understand the differences between the wallets. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Hi i made a deposit in my pirate chain full node wallet, on desktop 2 weeks ago, my balance is visable but stays the same after over a week after making a deposit, but price have gone up, how do i check my current balance ?
    Thanks Dave

  5. 1) Hi my android pirate wallet is stuck on 77% sync,I think I will be good after that, but on another question (2.) that may not pertain to Pirate Chain is I bought a few Mimble wimble coin and Arrr on trade ogre a few weeks ago but it is gone now, any ideas?

  6. secret-extended-key-main1qwwavdfmqqqqpqyz2ufd3t9p7qam67sl40qnjfzsg4687fsstws39r6ckp5q8ls7k64jk2aswq8xlq363rgu8lranyahnsar0rpwchjlfyjqlfah9y3q55ud6pcvshm8h9ak9434sekur9xatmtelzqxfmcgvp4mdvgh7vsgh5dzjcm52trx445sjhf6a8xaces22yhark3jqjhn02smm06zhs6a7f4uzu8z2zp40hqtsxt8wmc0thd9wu5y0ytd3wpyldw7keyyrjshflw4x

    someone might as well have it because i can't figure out what to do with it or why it does nothing
    choke on it

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