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How to Protect Your Privacy Online

privacy online
July 23, 2020

How to Protect Your Privacy Online

privacy online

Ahoy Pirates,

As you all already know Pirate Chain (ARRR) is a strong advocate of online anonymity and financial privacy. So we have put together a few basic steps on how to preserve your privacy and anonymity online. Remember to always do your own research as this information can quickly become out of date.


1️⃣ Always use a VPN service

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) allows you to re-route your traffic and hide your IP from prying eyes of scammers that want to steal your funds or identity. Before choosing your VPN provider make sure to do enough research to know that you are making a safe choice.

VPN is the first and hence very important step in securing your privacy online, so spend enough time to make sure that your VPN provider is trustworthy and remains so throughout your time with them.


2️⃣ Use a safe browser such as Tor or i2P with DuckDuckGo

The Tor Browser has been designed to protect user privacy. It utilises a routing software that encrypts data at multiple layers and is supported worldwide by a volunteer network of thousands of relays. When using Tor and other privacy tools, avoid using other internet-connected services or other browsers simultaneously to ensure maximum privacy.

i2p is a similar but even more secure, up-and-coming internet security protocol for anonymous browsing. It has the added benefit of resistance against DDoS attacks and additional, more advanced safeguards for privacy.

DuckDuckGo is the Tor Browser's default search engine, a privacy-respecting project that allows you to search the web without the intrusive tracking and constant snooping of your data from the commercial search engines out there.


protecting your online privacy


3️⃣ Avoiding saving your Passwords in cloud services or unsafe operating systems

Avoid cloud services for your precious passwords and private keys as your data could be accessed or compromised. For this reason try to avoid cloud services, including mobile devices to store critical passwords.

Store your important passwords, private keys, and other critical information in encrypted form and on external devices or offline. Open source projects like Safe Notes can help.


4️⃣ Use Encryption software

PGP (aka Pretty Good Privacy) is the most popular encryption software that provides cryptographic-level privacy and authentication for safe data communication. PGP software is used for signing, encrypting, and decrypting data such as texts, files, emails, directories as well as whole disk partitions. PGP can drastically increase the security of your e-mail communications.

Use a PGP tool or the lite or mobile wallet memo field to communicate securely with messages. Other encryption software worth using covers your hard disk (VeraCrypt) and GNU Privacy Guard (PGP-based email encryption). Lastly, 7Zip offers an encrypted file archiver.

There are additional services for sending/receiving files securely, which then automatically self-destruct, leaving no digital trace behind.


5️⃣ Use the Pirate OS to safeguard your wallet activity

The Pirate OS is a bootable operating system using an external USB drive to shield your wallet activity. It was built to ensure that your wallet function is fully shielded from the prying eyes of commercial operating systems. The forthcoming release of the Ghostship OS will add everyday functionality and secure browsing in addition to offering the Pirate OS additional protective layer for your anonymous cryptocurrency transactions.


Remember to always do your own research. Stay safe.

pirate chain stay anonymous

Please Note: Pirate Chain maintains a strictly apolitical stance. We neither endorse nor oppose any political parties, organisations, or individuals. Our commitment is to support all users of our platforms and services impartially and without bias.

One comment on “How to Protect Your Privacy Online”

  1. This is a great article with great tips!
    This is grad level protection advice, not just the generic privacy 101 advice found everywhere else.

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