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Komodo Joins Pirate Chain in the BPSAA

Komodo joins BPSAA
August 27, 2020

Komodo Joins Pirate Chain in the BPSAA

Komodo joins BPSAA

Over 6 months ago Pirate Chain became a founding member of the BPSAA (Blockchain Privacy, Security & Adoption Alliance). Yesterday, the Alliance welcomed it's largest project into the fold, Komodo. 

For most of you Komodo (KMD) is no stranger. Many members of their team are contributors in Pirate Chain. However, the introduction of Komodo into the BPSAA, brings about a new chapter of co-existence and collaboration between the two projects. One could argue that an already close relationship has become even more significant.

The BPSAA has been hard at work. The creation of a non-profit organisation is high on the agenda. The addition of Komodo brings new opportunities for interoperability. This is a key goal between all members of the BPSAA.

Komodo Platform

The Komodo team has created an open-source multi-chain platform that utilizes a technology called Delayed Proof of Work (dPoW), which uses the Bitcoin blockchain to prevent malicious attacks. Komodo is considered a pioneer in multi-chain architecture in the industry. It lends its core technology to protect a number of independent projects, one of which is Pirate Chain.

As a project, Komodo has roots dating back to 2014 (Supernet) and has consistently been innovating in the space of blockchain and DeFi.


Komodo in the BPSAA

As a key new member of the BPSAA, Komodo adds a vast amount of knowledge and technical skills on top of the BPSAA's existing group. Komodo can help to advance the BPSAA’s mission of blockchain interoperability.

Another key goal of the BPSAA is in educating the public on the importance of privacy and security . The team at Komodo has a multitude of experience in this area and shares the values and ethos of the organisation. Similarly to Pirate Chain we expect Komodo to contribute significantly in this area.

Future Integrations

There have been a few conversations and ideas on the ways Komodo can help create interoperability among the other members. AtomicDex integrations, additional security measures  (including notarization services) and many more are being considered.

The future of the BPSAA and Pirate Chain is looking brighter than ever.

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