A new phenomenon was born when team member DJ_Fatal created the first Official Pirate Chain Music Theme.
Since then many have created their own versions of the track in different music genres.
Inspired by this community activity we are launching a remix competition with a prize of 200 ARRR for the winning tune.
Win 200 ARRR
- Create a rmx of https://youtu.be/RhRWM1WW6ak
- Submit it with your entry here: https://forms.gle/PudSCQa5pdrYTGdRA
Make sure that your version is original (tempo changes will not count)
Ensure that it contains elements of the original such as some of the lyrics and the melody
Do not publish it before it is submitted here
Existing remixes will automatically qualify for this competition
The deadline for submissions is 31st of August 2021
Get additional points for music genres that have not been done yet
Translated versions (verified by the team) can take part
The tracks will be judged by:
- The Pirate Chain Team
- The Community
- The General Public
P.S. By taking part in this competition you agree for Pirate Chain to publish the track in social media with full credit to the artist (optional) and a donation address (optional).
Official Pirate Chain Music Theme
Download the original music files
Hi as regards to the rmx competition, I'm a little unclear about one point. When it says thus - 'Ensure that it contains elements of the original such as some of the lyrics and the melody'. I mean for example, if I played the same melody on a banjo and put our own vocals on it, singing the same lyrics, does that count? Or do we need to use some of the original stems, i.e. bass track and vocals for it to be accepted?
When will the winner of the music theme remix-competition be announced?
Love, Caeremoniis