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Pirate Chain At BPSAA Webinar

pirate webinar
March 31, 2021

Pirate Chain At BPSAA Webinar

pirate webinar

New Webinar

The Komodo Platform hosted a webinar that included all the members of the BPSAA. The members that appeared (not in this order) were Pirate Chain, Ergo, Ether-1, TurtleNetwork, Burst, Dragonchain, BitTube, Sentinel and the Komodo Platform. Pirate Chain was represented by Captain Draeth.

Find Out More

You can find more information about the webinar on the Komodo Platform website https://komodoplatform.com/en/events/bpsaa-webinar.html.

Watch the full webinar below in the video below.

About the BPSAA

The BPSAA is a non-profit organisation advocating for privacy, security and cryptocurrency adoption. It helps it's members in various ways. By leading a blockchain think tank, development collaboration and marketing support. Amongst other things, the BPSAA was responsible for the listing of the Pirate Chain mobile wallet on the Google Play Store.

This is something Pirate Chain could not have accomplished alone, as it is not a company.


Please Note: Pirate Chain maintains a strictly apolitical stance. We neither endorse nor oppose any political parties, organisations, or individuals. Our commitment is to support all users of our platforms and services impartially and without bias.

One comment on “Pirate Chain At BPSAA Webinar”

  1. Transfer not reflected in pirate wallet. Balance 0 in pirate wallet. Have tried for days to rectify with no success. Where's my transfer? Very frustrating

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