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R: 254



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Pirate Chain Newsletter - November 2020 edition

November Update Pirate Chain
November 26, 2020

Pirate Chain Newsletter - November 2020 edition

November Update Pirate Chain

The Pirate community has come together and made significant strides in the past month. This month's issue covers many exciting updates, including the announcement of a new core developer, wallet updates and anticipation of the upcoming Pirate Chain halving.


Project Updates

Pirate Chain onboards new Core Developer

On October 21st, we announced that Forge has joined the project as a new core developer.  Forge is an accomplished developer who has extensive experience in the cryptocurrency space. Prior to joining Pirate Chain, Forge led the development of Zero for the past two and a half years. Forge participated heavily in the core code, including implementation of masternode technologies for the Zero project. Additionally he wrote the transaction consolidation and reduction functions to optimize wallet size, which were later added to Pirate. Perhaps one his most impressive contribution to the project was writing most of the code for the Zeroverse multicoin wallet from scratch.

Forge has already accomplished a host of wallet improvements for Pirate that were developed months ahead of ZCash, such as a whole new set of rpc calls designed to give users detailed information about wallet transactions including outgoing private transactions. At Pirate Chain, one of Forge’s first tasks is to continue further enhancement of our wallet functions. Specifically, he is creating a strategy to archive a list of wallet transactions so that transaction history is not lost when using the transaction reduction function.

With regards to Forge’s thoughts about personal financial privacy, he believes that “Big Tech and the Financial sectors are too close and have too much power. The average person has no financial privacy from both corporations or governments.”

Pirate Chain is at its core, a digital currency that values privacy above all else. Since its inception in 2018, Pirate Chain has continued to deliver privacy focused ecosystem products including the world’s first introduction of a private-only transaction mobile wallet, Skull Island, a secure operating system that enhances user privacy when transacting with pirate wallets. With Forge’s contribution, development of Pirate Chain’s core code will be greatly enhanced, which will in turn accelerate the creation of an expanded suite of privacy-centric products for the everyday user.

When asked for his thoughts about Pirate Chain and why he accepted the position as core developer, he replied, “Pirate is undervalued and unappreciated. I'd like to make Pirate a top tier coin.”

Here is the official announcement.


Wrapped ARRR

This has been project in secret discussions for several months. It has been revealed to the community that a project to wrap ARRR into an erc20 token named wARRR is underway. This exciting project will take several months and we will keep the community updated on the progress. Stay tuned!


New Discord Bot

Thanks to Diablo, Pirate discord now has a new bot that rewards community members that proclaim their love for Pirate! Any pirate that adds $ARRR to their discord username will be eligible to request a monthly reward bounty for proudly supporting their favorite project! Just go to the #tip-bots channel in Pirate discord and enter !arrrbounty to receive instructions.


Pirate Chain Halving

The most private cryptocurrency is soon to undergo its next halving! At the time of writing, the event is anticipated to occur around Wednesday December 2nd, that is when the mining reward will be reduced by 50%.

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To understand the what the halving entails and the implications, take a look at this article we published. Hurry up and get your $ARRR before emission supply drops!


Weekly Meeting Recordings

October 7th, 2020

October 14th, 2020

October 21st, 2020

October 28th, 2020


Exchange Updates

Polarity Exchange lists $ARRR

We are proud to announce another exchange that lists $ARRR, and it's not just another exchange. In a concerted effort to provide the Pirate community with a options on exchange types, Pirate is now listed on its second decentralized exchange. Polarity DEx is unique exchange that boasts several special features. First it is a stablecoin exchange platform where all base pairings are to USDT instead of BTC. This is an intentional design provide the familiarity of trading in traditional finance. Next, all network fees will be covered by a sponsorship from CryptoBrokers, importantly, this limits user fees to a fixed $0.01USD for all transactions.

Read the announcement on Polarity's medium channel.

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BTDex Lists ARRR

As the old pirate says, "when it rains, it pours!" Pirate Chain is proud provide you with another decentralized exchange listing, Burstcoin's BTDex! Burstcoin devs recently appeared on Pirate's weekly meeting to talk about BTDex, listen to the interview here.

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Wallet Updates

Pirate Mobile Wallet, Skull Island

Updated with significantly improved speed. The backend was swapped, the original version used bitcore and was not efficient. It was swapped out for a modified lite wallet backend. Hence instead of connecting to the bitcore api, it connects to the lite wallet api. A readme is also included now to assist with building the app. The repo for the backend is also

Wallet Download: https://piratechain.com/wallets


Social Media

Independent Analysis of Pirate Chain by Upblock.io

Back in July, Upblock held a community vote contest to win an independent in-depth project research report.

Screen Shot 2020 11 23 at 9.41.00 PM The Pirate community showed up and won that contest! Not only did Pirate Chain win, it won against notable names such as the defi project Band Protocol!

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And Upblock's research report does not disappoint! It includes live up to date data, technical and fundamental analyses, and a comprehensive summary.

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Read the research report on Upblock's website!


Crypto Rich talks to Captain Draeth about the wrapped ARRR project

Want to find out more about the project to bring the most anonymous cryptocurrency into the ethereum platform? Watch this interview where Captain Draeth shares some details about wARRR with Crypto Rich.


Pirate Tik Tok

Check out the lastest video on Pirate Chain's Tik Tok!

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Pirate Community Art

From SeetheWizard














From PhilARRR








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We offer total confidentiality in the handling of the information and interests of our clients. We accept payments in cryptocurrencies (ARRR, BTC, ETH, LTC, among others)."

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Pool Party Nodes adds new Pirate Swag

Pool Party Nodes has added new Pirate Chain swag! Check it and get some Pirate Chain swag as gifts for the upcoming holiday season!

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Last Words

This edition is published on Thanksgiving Day in the US. To all our American Pirates, Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is a day of gratitude. To all fellow Pirates around the world, we are grateful to have you on board, what an inspiring and spirited community we have build around privacy, financial freedom and love of Pirate! I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of our Pirate family, I am thankful for the opportunity to play a small part amongst the many Pirate team members tirelessly volunteer their time, from website updates, to code upgrades, business and social media outreach. Every day, and perhaps every minute, there are Pirates somewhere in the world working hard at advancing our arrrmada. Thank you.

As we reflect on our family, I want to take the occasion to also bring up an observation. As you know, Pirate Chain is built on zk-SNARK privacy technology. Par for the course of cryptocurrency tribalism, there are some who have questioned the privacy protocol. The argument has been going on for as long as the code has existed, from high level cryptography discussions to mundane cryptotwitter shoutfests. In recent months there has been a trend in the blockchain industry that I thought would be worthy to bring to your attention. It first started out when I noticed other privacy coins switching protocols, PivX's latest privacy protocol, Shield, is a zk-SNARK based algorithm. PivX continues to offer optional privacy. Probably of greater import, is the use of zk-SNARK with zk-Rollups to provide scalability in Ethereum 2.0 (1-2). From third parties, Aztec is a zk^2-Rollups project built to bring second layer privacy solutions to Ethereum (3). Aztec interestingly employs a double iteration of zero-knowledge proofs combining zk-Rollups for scalability and zk-SNARKs for privacy. And if anyone reminders the notorious JPMorgan, their internal blockchain also uses zk-SNARks (4). As you can see, zk-SNARK is an increasingly widely adopted protocol.

1. Ethhub: Zk-rollups 

2. ZK And Optimistic Rollup; What Are They And How They Function 

3. Aztec:Fast Privacy with ZK² Rollup

4. JPMorgan’s Quorum Blockchain Integrates ZK-Snark Technology


Pirate Anonymity Set

This is a new section. The end of every issue will report the latest anonymity set size of Pirate Chain. Why is this important? Every privacy technology hides transactions amongst others in an anonymity set. Monero's maximum anonymity set is 11, Lelantus's maximum anonymity set is capped at 65k. The anonymity set of Pirate Chain can be tracked in real time at the Pirate Chain Privacy Stats website made by CHMEX.

At the time of publication, the anonymity set size of Pirate Chain is:

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Pirate Chain







Please Note: Pirate Chain maintains a strictly apolitical stance. We neither endorse nor oppose any political parties, organisations, or individuals. Our commitment is to support all users of our platforms and services impartially and without bias.

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