Rate: ARRR/$



R: 254



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The Pirate Post - May 2021 edition

May 31, 2021

The Pirate Post - May 2021 edition


(graphics courtesy of DreamTim)

April was another amazing month for Pirate Chain. We continued to break new all time highs for every measurable statistic. In March, we saw over 12,000 unique visits to pirate.black. In April, we logged a whopping 210,000 unique visits to pirate.black.

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As some of you experienced, our servers were overloaded and we had to take down the homepage for a couple of days to upgrade our server packages. We've also had an amazing show of volunteers stepping up from community moderators to developers and social media influencers. We saw our community grow tremendously, and as you have probably seen, far beyond what we were equipped to handle. But, this is a good problem to have. We are very grateful to the volunteer moderators who are helping to keep the conversations from straying beyond the rules of the discord and telegram, and to try to keep the chats from spam. We would also like to acknowledge all the privacy advocates who are creating content to defend privacy.

Project Updates for April

Exchange listings

Changelly and Changelly Pro lists $ARRR

Pirates can now trade $ARRR on Changelly and Changelly Pro! Screen Shot 2021 05 30 at 3.50.56 PM

Support Pirate Chain by using our referral code to join Changelly: https://pro.changelly.com/referral/660a5d5e296f8371
If you're looking for a straightforward swap, you can also swap for $ARRR using any of the supported cryptocurrencies on Changelly.com
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Wallet Updates

:pirate_p: Important Mandatory Update for Treasure Chest Wallet :pirate_p: (Version 5.1.1 Signed Release)

Mandatory Update

:pirateX: :pirateX: :pirateX: PLEASE UPDATE BEFORE 14TH OF JUNE :pirateX: :pirateX: :pirateX: :piratesmile:

New Features:

• Diversified addresses
• Added a new mapAddressTxids to keep track of all wallet addresses and the transactions they were used in.
• Added note value and address to the sapling note data stored on each wallet transaction
• Added support for Atomic Swaps via AtomicDex
• Added ivk and ovk to ArchiveTxPoint to increase rpc speeds ◦ Triggers a wallet rescan
• Added block height on Activating best chain UI notifications
:piratesmile: Feature Revisions:
• Themes - Added 7 new, removed 1
• Optimized z_listunspent
• Revised z_getnewaddress to return a diversified address
• Added z_getnewaddresskey to return a new address with a new key
• Revised balance inquires to use the newly created value in the sapling note data
• Revised zs_listreceivedbyaddress, zs_listsentbyaddress, zs_listspentbyaddress and getalldata to use the newly created mapAddressTxids, and ArchiveTxPoint ivks and ovks.
• Revised how balances are tracked on the receive tab of the GUI for better response time.
• Disabled sprout address balance/transaction reporting
• Disabled sprout key imported
• Disabled sprout keys being loaded from the wallet.dat file
• Update Berkeley Database to 6.2.32
• Set transaction expiry heights on sweep and consolidation transactions

Treasure Chest wallet

Watch this video by Paul for a tutorial on how to migrate to version 5.1.1

Lite wallet updates

Lite Wallet Update V1.0.6 :treasure:
(this announcement combines several lite wallet updates in the interum. The link to the most recent update is provided)

Core DEV @Forge has updated the Lite Wallet for Pirate. It is more convenient than ever and has a plethora of new features to ensure that your funds are safe and easy to move around.

:piratechain: Bug fixes - fix t address mismatch error, Coingecko api price check, intermittent price display, view all addresses, update check URL Removed donation address
:piratechain: piratewallet-lite-cli updated
:piratechain: User Interface Updates
:piratechain: Settings Tab Update
:piratechain: New Lite Wallet Themes

Download link: https://piratechain.com/wallets/desktop-lite/

The lite wallet has undergone fresh updates to improve usability, speed and security. Pirate Chain core dev Forge has been working behind the scenes to make wallet functionality and cross compatibility stronger than ever. And the wallets design is looking pretty hot too.

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Meeting Recordings

Monthly Project Update Meetings


The Pirate team will report on all project updates at a monthly update meeting on the the first Wednesday of each month. Catch up on the last monthly meeting here.

Pirate Fireside Chat meeting replays:

Pirate Side Chat

Catch up on the weekly Pirate Fireside Chats,

  • April 14th weekly chat, special edition Pirate Chain update with Captain Draeth

  • April 21st, Lootz and Bennysays, live from Miami Crypto Experience

  • April 28th, interview with Bitcoin.com exchange CEO, Danish Chaudry

The Scuttlebutt

As suggested by Pirate Ectocooler, this is a new section for Pirate Projects in the works and rumored upcoming developments and events!

  • R&D: Lootz researching on possibility of using old school IRC with I2P in Pirate

Social Media

We would like to thank all the Pirates who have created content (explainer videos, how-to videos, interviews and reviews). Without you, privacy would not have a voice. We will try to feature as much of your content as feasibly possible in every newsletter, however, we will not be able to cover all. Please dm @wookie25 on discord if you would like to request that your video/podcast/article be featured, or if you would like to arrange for an interview.

New Pirate Chain Video - Financial Privacy Today, Is Freedom Tomorrow

Thanks to Bennysays for this amazing video!

Raphael LaVerde Talks about Pirate Chain and Privacy Coins

Jeff Berwick Talks Pirate Chain

The Crypto Vigilante dedicates an episode to Pirate Chain

Doug Casey talks to Jeff Berwick about Pirate Chain (excerpt)

Crypto Rich talks to Polarity DEX CEO on buying $ARRR without KYC

Crypto Rich Compares Pirate Chain and Dash - Which is more Private?

Pirate Review from Crypto Ninja

Pirate Review from Invest Global

Pirate Chain review with Digital Asset News


New hearing from the Director of the IRS paints cryptocurrency and bitcoin in a negative light BUT Former acting director of the CIA sheds new light on ILLICIT ACTIVITY in crypto.

How To Buy PIRATE CHAIN ARRR Token Without Getting Your Account Closed - with Nicole and Andy of Crypto Corner

How to Buy Pirate Chain - ARRR !!! - with Crypto Ninja

Jeff Berwick talks about Simplifying your Crypto Taxes with Privacy Coins (excerpt)


RavenKing Shares Experience on Joining Pirate Chain and the ARRRmada

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Read the blog post here.

Eureka Street Crypto Hub shares his thoughts on Pirate Chain

"Here is another project-focused video. I take my usual casual and low-brow look at the Pirate Chain and the $ARRR token. I do dedicated videos on projects that particularly interest me so I decided to take a deeper look at this super privacy chain of privacy chains. To me, Pirate Chain could be a much needed step in facilitating a flourishing alternate-economy for those that do not want to participate in direction the economy is currently heading towards. I am not affiliated with Pirate Chain or any of the project I mention. I am doing this for my own research into the crypto space and am documenting my knowledge journey. I hope what I lean can also be of benefit to you."

Info For You Reviews Pirate Chain's Price action


Why is Pirate the Ultimate Privacy Cryptocurrency? by Grewalsatinder

Special request: translate these 5 slides in your native language and help people discover Financial Freedom.
Here's is the link to the slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vQq2RqOWxB00Ga6YjJ1FYnJ6KrJMmoYepNaOEmaA-68
It would also be useful if the translation can be recorded in voice. Together, the translated slides and the voice recording will be compiled as a video and published similar to this version in English:

Merchant/BPSAA Updates

We are proud to feature King Kebab in Charlotte, NC who accepts $ARRR as payment in his restaurant.

If you have a store that accepts $ARRR, register here to be included in the ARRRmada merchant directory. Look up merchants that advocate Privacy and accept $ARRR as payment.

Last word from the editor

In this edition, I would like to talk about two topics, Pirate Chain and Privacy, as entities of public good, and an analysis of fund flows by Kosius.

First, Pirate Chain stands for financial privacy. Perhaps even more so than freedom of speech. In this digital age and era of transparent blockchain transactions, where you put your hard earned money, weighs more than your words and thoughts. Words persuade while money convinces. We know that Privacy has been taken for granted. In fact, there has not been an era where Privacy has been an issue more so than today. Privacy needs to be protected as a human right. Non-profits that champion freedom or rainforests or dolphins represent them because they do not have a voice. Privacy needs that advocacy. Privacy needs you.

Pirate Chain is not only a means to protect your Privacy, but a bulwark for your voice and your opinion.

Remember. Financial Privacy Today, is Freedom Tomorrow.

On the second topic, Firstmate Kosius recently tweeted his analysis of $ARRR fund flows based on exchange volume. Since Pirate Chain is the most anonymous cryptocurrency with no metadata displayed, we rely on secondary data to gauge interest in $ARRR and Privacy. Kosius calculated the daily average price (using the daily opening and closing price) and divided them by the daily volume. by that average and here we are a portion of that was definitely the same coins exchanging hands.


As you can see, the 163.69 million $ARRR were transacted over the first five months of 2021. First, let's acknowledge a limitation of this data. We realize that  this data does not have any privacy representations. In fact, intra-exchange transactions are often only ledger updates without actual UTXO transfers. Nonetheless, what this data suggests is the level of interest in Pirate Chain, and also a gauge of interest in Privacy. Kosius noted that the current supply of $ARRR is 182 million. With 163.69 million $ARRR notionally transferred, we can infer that the interest in $ARRR represents 89% of the current total supply.

Pirate Chain Anonymity Set

Every newsletter ends with the latest anonymity set size of Pirate Chain at the time of publication. Why is this important? Every privacy technology hides transactions amongst others in an anonymity set. Monero's maximum anonymity set is 11, Lelantus's maximum anonymity set is capped at 65k. The anonymity set of Pirate Chain can be tracked in real time at the Pirate Chain Privacy Stats website made by CHMEX.

At the time of publication, the anonymity set size of Pirate Chain is:
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Connect with us:

Twitter : https://twitter.com/PirateChain

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/PirateChain

Telegram : https://t.me/piratechain/

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/piratechain

Flote : https://flote.app/pirate

Mastodon : https://mastodon.social/@arrr

Lbry: https://lbry.tv/@piratechain:8

TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@pirateblockchain

Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/piratechain/

Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/piratechain

BitTube : https://bittube.tv/profile/Pirate/about

BitTube : https://bittube.tv/profile/Pirate/about

Medium : https://medium.com/piratechain

Line: http://line.me/ti/g/e8mOfEV4T7

Keybase: https://keybase.io/team/pirate_arrr

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PirateChain

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/piratechain

Your Financial Privacy Today, Is Your Freedom Tomorrow

Please Note: Pirate Chain maintains a strictly apolitical stance. We neither endorse nor oppose any political parties, organisations, or individuals. Our commitment is to support all users of our platforms and services impartially and without bias.

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