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The Privacy Blockchain Makes Full Node Upgrades

Full Blockchain Node
December 3, 2020

The Privacy Blockchain Makes Full Node Upgrades

Full Blockchain Node

Pirate Chain (ARRR), the Privacy Blockchain has made several improvements to full node functionality. This change will mainly improve the functionality and reliability of wallets. Pirate Chain wallet owners will notice the most significant improvements. But there are also good news for traders. The upgrades will also help exchanges handle transactions in a more efficient manner. This means a leaner operation and less downtime for wallet maintenance.

So let's have a look at the particular areas of improvement.

Archived Transactions

Transactions are now saved to the wallet in a minimalistic fashion so that they may be recovered from the blockchain. The new structure only contains enough data to pinpoint the transaction on the blockchain and retrieve after they have been deleted from the active transactions using the deletetx functions. Active transactions are unchanged and still retain all of the original data structures.


Multiple new RPC have been added to the full node to provide exchanges with detailed transaction information for both incoming and outgoing addresses. All of these new RPCs utilize the new Archived Transaction feature to provide full wallet history.

  • 🏴‍☠️ zs_gettransaction
  • 🏴‍☠️ zs_listtransactions
  • 🏴‍☠️ zs_listrecievedbyaddress
  • 🏴‍☠️ zs_listspentbyaddress
  • 🏴‍☠️ zs_listsentbyaddress

Extended Full View Key support

o Extended Full view key support has been added to the full node so that users can see all of the incoming and outgoing transactions associated to this key
o Support for this key is present in all of the new RPC calls above.

Full Blockchain Node Upgrades

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